Bucher Law PLLC

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Will Bucher is a leading attorney in representing large groups of consumers who are forced into arbitration by mega corporations. Just because your claim must be brought in arbitration doesn't mean you can't recover, and with the help of Bucher Law PLLC, you will often recover more than you would in a class action proceeding. Will Bucher has handled over 70,000 consumer arbitrations. Like typical court cases, most arbitrations settle before a hearing. But Will Bucher also has an exceptional track record in litigating cases on the merits when a case goes to trial, having won more than 150 arbitrations that reached a final decision on the merits. While prior results do not guarantee future outcomes, Will Bucher is excited to continue to represent, and obtain compensation for, clients in their arbitration proceedings. Learn more by going to bucherlawfirm.com


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